By Muhammad Sarwar (Translator)

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He never considers himself as to have learned enough. To be with Allah, although in a very humble state, is far better to him than to live very much honored with others. Humbleness is more beloved to him than being taken as a dignitary. He considers virtuous deeds of others a great deal and his own virtuous deeds as insignificant. " "O Hisham, one who does not maintain honorable kindness he has no religion and one can not have such noble character without intelligence. A person of the greatest value among people is one who does not consider the worldly gains his fortune.

H 36, Ch. ) who has said the following. " H 37, Ch. 1, h 3 Ali ibn Ibrahim has narrated from Muhammad ibn ‘Isa from Yunus ibn ‘Abd al-Rahman from certain persons of his people who has said the following. " H 38, Ch. 1, h 4 Ali ibn Muhammad and others have narrated from Sahl ibn Ziyad and Muhammad ibn Yahya from Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn ‘Isa all from ibn Mahbub from Hisham ibn Salim from abu Hamza from abu Ishaq al-Subay‘i from one who narrated to him who has said the following. ) say, ‘O people, you must know that religion becomes complete through seeking knowledge and acting accordingly.

S) said, "Allah, the Glorious, the Majestic created intelligence and it was the first creature of spiritual world on the right side of the Throne from His light. He then told him to move backwards and intelligence moved backwards. He then told him to come forwards. Intelligence came forwards. Allah, the Sacrosanct, the Most High said, "I have created you a great creature and honored you above all others of my creatures. s) continued, "Allah then created ignorance from a salty dark ocean and told it, "move backwards and did move backwards.

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