By Prof. Dr. Klaus F. Zimmermann, Dr. Holger Bonin, Holger Hinte, Dr. René Fahr (auth.)

German and ecu immigration regulations have just recently began to deal with the inevitable: becoming exertions call for within the face of excessive unemployment and a shrinking hard work strength because of demographic switch. regardless of the implementation of Germany's first immigration act and a number of other ecu projects in the direction of criminal harmonization on the european point, an actively controlling immigration coverage, which might be had to grasp the demanding situations forward, isn't but in sight. in contrast historical past, the e-book attracts conclusions from the German historical past of immigration coverage. It analyzes the country's destiny call for for immigration and develops an monetary version for the potent choice and integration of work migrants which could give you the starting place for a joint ecu immigration strategy.

"Western Europe, and particularly Germany, have come to achieve that they're areas of considerable internet immigration. This ebook develops customers for destiny developments in German and ecu immigration guidelines. it truly is a necessary enter into any severe public coverage dialogue of eu immigration issues."

Barry Chiswick, college of Illinois at Chicago, major US immigration expert

"Legal migration could be controlled instead of continued. to teach coverage makers and electorate below which situations criminal migration will be useful, study is required and puzzles have to be solved. Which standards will be utilized? What do we study from conventional migration nations? What position is there for Europe? This booklet is a priceless contribution to those pertinent questions."

Marcel Canoy, Bureau of eu coverage Advisers, Directorate basic of the ecu Commission

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It is not clear why such a second assessment is needed even if a priority-hiring assessment has been made in favor of a foreign applicant. If the vacancy cannot be filled in any other way, hiring a foreigner should have no negative economic consequences. Instead of an individual priority-hiring assessment, which involves substantial bureaucratic work, the fact that the local labor agency has been unable to fill a position for several months should be sufficient. With regard to exceptions 40 2. The Migration Issue in Germany for certain occupations and industries, it is again questionable whether the Federal Labor Agency has enough information to make the proper decisions in each case.

Integration programs should be seen as a “contract” between immigrants and the receiving society which, after a “probation period”, would permit an even earlier naturalization. As the influence of the “integration package” on the migration decision and the labor market success of immigrants is likely to be significant, the package should become more generous over the medium term. A systematic evaluation of the success of the integration programs is absolutely necessary. The “Report on the Implementation and Financing of Integration Programs” (§ 43 Sec.

Due to the higher marginal productivity of labor, it is profitable for firms to pay more for this production factor. This result reveals two mechanisms by which immigration may be beneficial to the labor market. If immigrants supply capital, which is a complement to labor, or raise demand for manufactured products as consumers, wages increase without a negative 48 3. The Economic Impact of Immigration effect on employment opportunities of natives. This conclusion requires, however, that immigrants themselves would not supply labor.

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