By P. V. Tavanec, V. S. à vyrev (auth.), P. V. Tavanec (eds.)

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Extra info for Problems of the Logic of Scientific Knowledge

Sample text

Even according to their own declarations, the notions of 'rational reconstruction' and 'explication' necessarily include the notion that the reconstruction or explication preserve the essential traits of the reconstructed or explicated object. The unjustified denial by the neopositivists of the objective character of logic shows the harmful effect that false philosophical views can have on the development of the logic of scientific knowledge. The successful development of the logic of scientific knowledge is possible only on the basis of the truly scientific philosophy of dialectical materialism.

And the division of objects into empirical and theoretical is a division governed by methodological, not semantic, rules. Concrete objects can be not only empirical but also theoretical objects. These two problems (abstract-concrete and theoretical-empirical objects) overlap in part. We hold that distinguishing them is very important for a whole series of theoretical problems. 2 IV. EMPIRICAL AND THEORETICAL OBJECTS OF SCIENCE As we have already established, semantic rules either designate the admissible individuals of a domain of individuals or fix a definite domain of individuals.

When we speak of protocols or of protocol language we have in mind, first, not a rootlanguage, good for any observation at all, but one that can vary and, second, not a language with fixed units of designation but a language the units of designation of which vary. Since the analysis of observation like all the other stages of knowledge is not our present task, we will not take up such important questions as those of the accuracy and sufficiency of observation, the role of instruments in observation, problems of measure, etc.

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