By Y. P. S. Bajaj (auth.), Professor Dr. Y. P. S. Bajaj (eds.)

Offers with biotechnological methods included into po- tato development progammes. those tools have far-reaching implications for the synthesis of more advantageous, disorder- withstand- ant and nutritious cultivars of potato.

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In: Hooker WJ (ed) Research for potato in the year 2000. CIP, Lima, pp 147 -149 Towill, LE (1981) Solanum tuberosum: A model system for studying the cryobiology of shoot-tips in the tuber bearing (Solanum) species. Plant Sci Lett 20:315 - 324 Uyen N van, Zaag P van der (1983) Vietnamese farmers use tissue culture for commercial potato production. Am Potato J 60:873 - 879 Watt BK, Merill AL (1963) Composition of foods - raw, processed, prepared. 8. US Dep Agric, Washington Wattimena GA, McCown BH, Weis G (1983) Comparative field performance of potatoes from microtubers.

CIP, Lima Howard HW (1970) Genetics of the potato Solanum tuberosum. Logos, London Jacobsen E, Tempellar MJ, Bijmolt EW (1983) Ploidy levels in leaf callus regenerated plants of Solanum tuberosum determined by cytophotometric measurements of protoplasts. Theor Appl Genet 65:113-118 Jacobsen E, Visser RGF, Wijbrandi J (1986) Phenylalanine and tyrosine accumulating cell lines of a dihaploid potato selected by resistance to 5-methyltryptophan. Plant Cell Rep 4:151-154 Karp A, Nelson RS, Thomas E, Bright SWJ (1982) Chromosome variation in protoplast-derived potato plants.

Although the potato viruses are all eliminated by the same process, and the method that eliminates PYX and PVS usually eliminates the other viruses also, resistant strains of the other viruses F. C. Mellor and R. Stace-Smith 34 sometimes occur. All except PLRV are detected by rub transmission to indicator plants, but different indicators must be used for various viruses. The best method for detecting PLRV is by aphid transmission to Physalis floridana. The virus may be detected serologically, but several related luteoviruses appear to be involved in the potato leaf roll complex, some of which do not react with antiserum prepared against PLRV (Duffus 1981).

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