By John K. Lynam (auth.), Peter Goldsworthy, Frits Penning De Vries (eds.)

In December 1993, ISNAR, in collaboration with overseas Consortium for program of platforms techniques, prepared a three-day workshop on platforms techniques and modelling for agricultural improvement. backed via the Dutch Ministry for improvement Cooperation, the workshop was once attended by means of individuals from 12 nationwide agricultural study structures (NARS), 9 overseas agricul­ tural learn facilities (lARCs), and 5 complicated learn companies (AROs). even supposing software of platforms techniques in agricultural learn and source administration is a slightly new box, there's already expanding call for for implemen­ tation of those methods. it will require a serious mass of experts within the NARS and IARCs. earlier than this serious mass should be acquired, in spite of the fact that, the adventure that has been received during this region should be evaluated, additional percentages have to be explored, and new goals and objectives must be set. This booklet, which includes the papers provided on the workshop, assesses the state-of-the-art of structures techniques in agricultural learn, source administration, and rural making plans. It additionally provides an influence of the evolution of this interdisciplinary box and its use in nationwide and foreign examine facilities. one other, much less tangible, consequence of the workshop was once its contribution towards strengthening the community of NARS, lARCs, and AROs. It gave members and organizers an opportunity to increase contacts, and supplied a chance to make the 1st proposals for collaborative courses. distinct thank you are because of Peter Goldsworthy and Luc Boerboom for his or her the most important function in making the workshop a hit during this regard.

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World Bank, Washington DC, USA. World Commission on Environment and Development (1987) Our Common Future. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK. World Resources Institute (1988) World Resources 1988-89. Basic Books, New York, USA. World Resources Institute (1992) World Resources 1992-93. Oxford University Press, New York, USA. ZANDSTRA Dzrector General of the InternatIOnal Potato Center (CIP), Apartado 5969, LIma, Peru, and presently chazrman of the mbcommlttee on sustmnablhty and envIronment of the Consultatlve Group on InternatIOnal Agricultural Research (CGIAR) Key words bl(xhverslly, eqmty, natural resource management, productiVIty, research pnontles, sustainable agnculture Abstract The payoffs from developing a more accurate objective for NRM are hkely to Increase as sClenttsts enhance theIr ablltty to Improve the accuracy of natural resource models and simulatIOns Better defirutlOns of objectives WIll also help polIcymakers and researchers work more effectively In WIdely dIfferent ecologIes and WIth dIfferent natural resource user groups ThiS paper prOVIdes a bnef revIew of several types of natural resources and the manner In whIch they are affected by change The relatIOnshIp between populatIOn growth and envlfonmental conservatIOn IS highlIghted The paper also exalIl1nes the benefiCIal effects that a better use of natural resources can be expected to have on Income levels and on the ablltty to proVIde basIC necesslttes for eXisting populattons It also explores the mecharusms aVaIlable to achIeve a sustaInable use of natural resources EffICIent use of natural resource IS descnbed as a neces~ary condItion for sustalnablhty The paper concludes that productiVIty and sustaInabIllty are by defirutlOn essenttal components of a common objectIve rumed at effiCient use of natural resources It IS also suggested that such an objectIve must proVIde for the protectIon of uruque envIronmental ruches and the bIodIverSity they contaIn The pursUIt of eqUIty VIS a VIS NRM objectives IS also reVIewed NRM Involves multIple obJectives-sustaIn abilIty, blodlvefSIty, productIVIty, and eqUIty Although purSUIt of multiple objectives apphes to all resource-use processes, the relatIve Importance of any component objective WIll Influence the response of users to different resource endowments To achIeve NRM obJecttves, nelghbonng countnes may have to recogruze a shared obJective, to aVOId the "Import" or "export" of environmental problems across their borders Finally, the paper examInes research needs for NRM and It descnbes pnonty areas that reqUIre SpeCIal attentIOn These areas of research Include the development of methods to compare resource-use effiCIenCIes of dIfferent resource options, the evaluatIOn of dIfferent polIcy options, and methods for conducting partICipatory research and for resolVing conflIct Introduction Although Agenda 21 stresses the need for sustainable development, the Rio Sumrmt took place at a time when structural adjustments were taking place in many developmg countries.

In addition, issues such as the causes, rates, and effects of soil erosion, the effects of pesticide on the environment, and the hydrological impact of forest clearing require detailed specification of initial biophysical, agroclimatic, and economic conditions to evaluate such processes. Monitoring these processes require well-developed protocols, the instrumentation of which is usually quite expensive. Third, there is a much stronger interplay between the economic and biophysical domain in NRM research than in commodity research due to, first, the higher level at which the research takes place; second, the increased importance of market failures and non-market valuation; third, the increased disjunction between research and farmer evaluation criteria (economic yield provides a high level of congruence between farmer and commodity researchers' evaluation criteria); and fourth, the high farmer-management component in any system intervention or technology.

The scope for pursuing a given objective is another consideration. Environmental problems are currently imported and exported. , global climatic effects), while at the same time poor countries must deplete theirs to survive. Arri ving at common objectives for managing natural resources is therefore an important means of actually achieving an objective. While this may be so in theory, applying common objectives can be difficult to achieve in practice. Siamwalla (1991) asked whether the cost-increasing application of environmental standards is sufficient justification for "greener" countries to introduce import tariffs against other countries that implicitly subsidize exports by ignoring environmental consequences.

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