By Roger Luckhurst

The Victorian fin de siecle has many institutions: the period of Decadence, The Yellow publication, the recent girl, the scandalous Oscar Wilde, the Empire on which the solar by no means set. This heady brew used to be stuck nowhere larger than within the revival of the Gothic story within the overdue Victorian age, the place the undead walked and evil curses, foul homicide, doomed inheritance and sexual threat performed at the stretched nerves of the hot mass readerships. This anthology collects jointly the most recognized examples of the Gothic story within the Eighteen Nineties, with tales through Arthur Conan Doyle, Vernon Lee, Henry James and Arthur Machen, in addition to a few lesser identified but beautifully chilling stories from the period. The advent explores the numerous purposes for the Gothic revival, and the way it spoke to the anxieties of the instant.

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I am glad she should be pretty, for she will more easily find a husband; and also because it seems fitting that your protégée should be beautiful. Unfortunately her character is not so satisfactory: she hates learning, sewing, washing up the dishes, all equally. I am sorry to say she shows no natural piety. Her companions detest her, and the nuns, although they admit that she is not exactly naughty, seem to feel her as a dreadful thorn in the flesh. She spends hours and hours on the terrace overlooking the sea (her great desire, she confided to me, is to get to the sea––to get back to the sea, as she Dionea 7 expressed it), and lying in the garden, under the big myrtle-bushes, and, in spring and summer, under the rose-hedge.

Wells, The Island of Dr Moreau Arthur Morrison, A Child of the Jago, ‘naturalist’ text based on East End slum life Rudyard Kipling’s poem ‘Recessional’, written for Victoria’s Jubilee Day. Stéphane Mallarmé’s radical Modernist poem, ‘Un Chronology of the 1890s 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 xliii coup de dés jamais n’abolira le hasard’. Aubrey Beardsley, Fifty Drawings. Émile Durkheim, Suicide: A Sociological Study. Bram Stoker, Dracula Richard Marsh, The Beetle H. G. Wells, War of the Worlds and The Invisible Man Olive Schreiner, Trooper Peter Halket of Mashonaland Havelock Ellis, Sexual Inversion (prosecuted as a ‘wicked, bawdy, scandalous libel’).

Do you remember the sad little story of Cervantes’ Licentiate,* who, instead of a love-potion, drank a philter which made him think he was made of glass, fit emblem of a poor mad poet? . It is love-philters that Dionea prepares. No; do not misunderstand; they do not give love of her, still less her love. Your seller of love-charms is as cold as ice, as pure as snow. The priest has crusaded against her, and stones have flown at her as she went by from dissatisfied lovers; and the very children, paddling in the sea and making mud-pies in the sand, have put out forefinger and little finger and screamed, ‘Witch, witch!

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