The type parameter defines the configuration section handler that can be used to parse the data inside of the configuration section. Type, Assembly" If you are using a configuration section defined in your web application, then you do not need to specify the assembly name.

If the function returns -1, then you just return UnknownIconInfo. Otherwise, you return the IconConfigurationItem at the appropriate index in the list. Add(obj) End Function End Class With the data structures complete, you can now turn your attention to the actual configuration section handler. Implementing an IConfigurationSectionHandler You will create a class named IconConfigurationHandler that implements the ICon➥ figurationSectionHandler interface. The IConfigurationSectionHandler interface only exposes a single function, the Create function, which is responsible for returning an object that stores your configuration data.

NET property page in the properties window for sites and virtual directories. See Figure 1-3 for an example of how this property page appears. fm Page 7 Friday, November 11, 2005 2:37 PM CHAPTER 1 ■ CONFIGURATION STRATEGY Figure 1-3. NET Framework installed on your system. NET Framework is as easy as selecting it from this list. ■Note If you are trying to debug an older web application project in Visual Studio 2003, you might get an error telling you that the debugger cannot attach to the process.

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