By Daniel A. Schneiter (auth.), Martin Beniston, Roger A. Pielke (eds.)

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Tange becones rnoro pronounced in heu tine than in coolinc phnses (excert for water temperatures belov; 4 der,ree C, where duc to the anornuly of the density of the watcr, aguin a stable lnyer of cold water may develop in still water). 1 degree C, 2 weeks earlier). In other words thc ampli tude of thc yearly ternperature variation is r·educed by about 20~·; in the lake cornpnred to the well rnixed river. At the same time a delny is found in the lake of the order of 2 to 4 weeks. 'l'o calculate the individual contributions, formulne and data of the models as outlined by the International Comrnission for the Protection of the Hiver Rheinare used (IKSH1-model).

Poulin, r~r. 1980: 'l'IodEilisation du comportement thermique des cours d'eau, application au Rhin'. These de Diplome, Paris, France. NUMERICAL MODELING OF THE NOCTURNAL PBL OVER THE URBAN HEAT ISLAND IN CHANGZHOU CITY Miao Manqian Dept. of Atmospheric Seiences Nanjing University Nanjing, China ABSTRACT. A two-dimensional primitive equation model has been used to describe the changes of the fields of horizontal wind, temperature and vertical eddy exchange coefficient and the development and evolution of urban heat island circulation for the thermal and dynamiaal effects of urbanlization, while the air flows over a city in the nighttime.

Model it1lergration started at 17 o'clock, when atmospheriu condiliun was in a neutral state and Kz equaled 1 s. Hence, Lhe observed data at 17:00 are used for the initial values of. wind, temperature and humidity. e. 1e =8e after 7hr according to observed data in Changzhou. It was assumed that the AB was maximum at t in centre and linearly decreased toward countryside. It was not obviously that the deviation of temperature profile was produced by surface temperature distribution (see Olfe et al.

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