By Willem Cornelis Van Unnik

Fifteen years after his dying the final publication through Willem Cornelis van Unnik (1910-1978) is now released. This nice pupil provides the following the result of his thorough research of self-definition within the Jewish diaspora of past due antiquity. After an introductory bankruptcy which incorporates a short background of study, Van Unnik investigates the semantic box of the Greek time period diaspora, using this be aware within the Septuagint and the recent testomony, the historical past of the time period in post-biblical Jewish and Christian writings, and the theological figuring out of the time period. Van Unnik concludes that during Jewish circles dwelling within the diaspora has continuously been considered as an primarily destructive and scary phenomenon, even more so than many glossy investigations may have us think. the most textual content of this e-book. the most textual content of this ebook is totally from the pen of Van Unnik; merely the footnotes have been lacking. The editor has extra footnotes and an in depth biographical-bibliographical advent and appendices.

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W . van der Horst, G. Mussies (Suppl. to N T 3 0 ) , Leiden 1980 1983 Sparsa Collecta. The Collected Essays of W. C. van Unnik, Part Three: Patristica, Gnostica, Liturgica, hrsg. von J. Reiling, P. W. van der Horst, G. Mussies (Suppl. to NT 3 1 ) , Leiden 1983 50 DAS SELBSTVERSTÄNDNIS DER JÜDISCHEN DIASPORA 1984 "With All T h o s e W h o Call o n the Name o f the Lord", in W . C. ), The New Testament Age. Essays in Honor of Bo Räche, vol. I, Macon 1984, 533-551 1993 Das Selbstverständnis der jüdischen Diaspora in der hellenistisch­ römischen Zeit, aus dem Nachlaß herausgegeben und bearbeitet von Pieter Willem van der Horst, Leiden 1993 1993 T h e Meaning o f 1 Corinthians 12:31, iVT35 (1993), im Druck I.

Letterkunde N R 25,11, Amsterdam 1962 [ S C I I 290-306] EINLEITUNG DES 39 HERAUSGEBERS D e r Ausdruck 'in den letzten Zeiten' bei Irenaeus, in Neotestamentica et Patristica (Freundesgabe Oscar Cullmann), Leiden 1962, 293-304 [SCHI 114-123] Peter, First Letter of, in Interpreter^ Dictionary of the Bible III (1962) 758-766 T h e Christian's F r e e d o m o f S p e e c h in the New Testament, Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 44 (1962) 466-488 [SC II 269-289] 3 Soter, RGGVL (1962 ) 148-149 Testamentum D o m i n i nostri Jesu Christi, ibidem 702 (mit H .

La 36 DAS SELBSTVERSTÄNDNIS DER JÜDISCHEN formation des evangiles. Probleme synoptique Brügge 1957,178-194 [SCI 16-34] DIASPORA et Formgeschichte, D e H a n d e l i n g e n der Apostelen, in J. H . Bavinck en A. H . ), Bijbel in de Nieuwe Vertaling van het Neder­ lands Bijbelgenootschap met verklärende kanttekeningen VIII, Baarn 1957, 7-81 Apostolische Canones, Apostolische Kirchenordnung, Aposto­ lische Konstitutionen, RGGl (1957 ) 516-517 3 Azymiten, ibidem 803-804 Kruising van eenzaamheid en g e m e e n s c h a p in het Nieuwe Testament, Vox Theologica 28 ( 1 9 5 7 / 5 8 ) 81-86 [SCII 241-247] In memoriam Prof.

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