By L.R. Stace, E.D. Yardley

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The magnitude of the tension is needed so that the correct type of belt can be selected for the duty. The power P transmitted to the belt by the drive pulley is given by P ˆ Te Xs where Te is the effective tension at the pulley, and s is the belt speed. 3 Plain drive. By definition Te ˆ T1 À T2 , where T1 is the carry side tension and T2 is the slack side tension (Fig. 3). 13 T1 ˆ e" T2 3X11 where e is the base of Naperian logarithms, " is the coefficient of friction between the belt and the pulley, and  is the angle of wrap of the belt around the pulley (radians), values for T1 and T2 can be calculated.

Other more complex drive systems are in use; for example, the four motor, four drive pulley ungeared (Fig. 6 Four motor, four drive pulley ungeared drive. 7 Dual-pulley ungeared primary plus geared tandem secondary drive. geared tandem secondary (Fig. 7) and the two geared tandems (Fig. 8). For these forms of drive the same principles for calculating the tensions as are illustrated above apply. It should be noted, however, that the limiting slip condition can occur at any of the drive drums and it is therefore necessary to check each case.

The new belt type was put to work initially on Installation B, and apart from some early problems with minor blistering, which was put down to contamination during manufacture, the belt worked satisfactorily throughout the life of the installation. However, within two or three weeks of being put to work, the belt on Installation A began to suffer blistering of the rubber cover on the pulley side. The blisters were initially 15±50 mm in diameter and standing up about 25 mm from the belt surface.

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